Joel Barrette
In The Backyard.jpg
A Dad and His Boy.JPG
I'm Saving This One For His Wedding.jpg
A Boy's Perogative.jpg
Xmas Ornament 2001.JPG
First Steps.JPG
This Shot typifies Joel's Happy Go Lucky Nature.jpg
Experimenting With Mascara.jpg
Blowing Bubbles.jpg
The Boy Inside The Box.jpg
Ready For A Bath.jpg
Getting Into The Penaten Cream.jpg
In The Bath.JPG
3rd Birthday.jpg
Youthful Innocence.jpg
At A Big White Ski Chalet.jpg
Look Way Up.JPG
One of Many Goofy Faces.JPG
In Aunty Marianne's Kitchen.jpg
A Mouthful of Easter Candy.jpg
Daddies Little Guy.jpg
In His Favourite Clothing.jpg
Just Hanging Around.JPG
With Santa 1999.jpg
Playin On The Computer.JPG
Taco Monster.jpg
Straw Man.jpg
Under Covers.jpg
No Homework This Weekend.JPG
At Millenium Fair.jpg
Sitting On A Log.jpg
Meet The Next Van Halens.jpg
First Time On A Bike.jpg
Hanging Out With Zach.jpg
Ridin Bronc.jpg
Snacks At Ground Zero.jpg
Playing In The Sand.jpg
First Horseride .jpg